Our earthquake recounts, unedited...
Friday 16 august 2013...
Friday 16 august 2013...
On friday I was in class doing my volcano art and suddenly i started feeling woozy. I thought I was about to pass out. People in the class starting saying earthquake so I was pretty happy it wasn't just me.
The room started to shake it was like I was in a giant shaking monster truck,My heart starting pumping and i started to panic I wondered what i would do next.
Finally Mrs Griffin said get under the desks so i did exactly that. The earthquake was at least 3 minutes,When it was over Mrs Griffin said "Look at the fan it's shaking like mad."
I was directly under the fan.I looked up and almost screamed like a little girl,But i decided i

would just stay cool.
It was a 6.6 earthquake set in Wellington,but I bet a lot of places felt it.
August 16th 2013
earthquake was at 2:00pm Aaron was talking to ani in the earthquake
i got under
the desk quickly. It was scary. I said it was scary and when it stop we went
back to work. By Beaudean.
by Daniel
Friday the 16th of August I was sitting down on the beanbag looking up
information about volcanoes. When I felt a rumble I thought WHAT! when I
realised that there was in earthquake it when on for quite a while. The
earthquake was very shaky as wobbly jelly. Some people thought that it was
going to be there last breath but I knew it wasn't a big one. So I kept calm
and didn't worry. I then heard get under your desk. So I got under my desk and
heard Aaron yell ANI! GET UNDER YOUR DESK! Then a few minutes later it stopped.
I got out from under my desk and got up. I
remember talking about it when I got home and how cool it was.
Earthquake by Aaron
On Friday the 16th of August at about 2:30pm there was a
massive earthquake. We were just doing
our art until I felt the class shaking I yelled earthquake and we rushed under
our desk and gripped on to our legs of our desk. The earthquake
Was 6.6 and it came all the way from Wellington. When we came out of our desks the fan was
swaying a lot I felt amazed.
Earthquake By Kaiden.
Friday at school there was a earthquake at 2:30. Before the earthquake some of as we're
playing on the iPads and some of as we're doing art. During the earthquake we all we're under
the desk. After the earthquake it was
nearly 3:00 so we had to picked up after we picked up we cleaned up then we put
up our cheers.
On Friday
there was a huge earthquake. It was like
being in a jinormus jelly! We were just
doing our work then BAM we felt the earthquake.
We jumped under our desks screaming and giggling.
When it
was over and the screaming had stopped we all looked up and the fan was
swirling around like a cooking beater.
After the
earthquake Mrs Griffin checked her phone that can tell you how big the
earthquake is. The earthquake that Wellington had was a humongous 6.6 earthquake WOW! But we only
had a little earthquake in Dannvirke.
Friday they was a earthquake the fan was moving
had to go under the desks and the earthquake toke
ages to stop the earthquake was dangersis
some people wore out side
didn't cure about the
and people thort that the fan was
foll some people were skiers
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